who's ready for 2011? THIS GIRL! 2k10 was a fab year, for sure, but as a huuuuge list junkie, i relish the chance to figure out the fun stuff i want to do in the upcoming year.
besides my bucket list, and my 30 before 30 list (a subset of the bucket list - yes, i'm crazy), i bypass that whole "new year's resolutions" business and make an annual list of 100 things i want to accomplish/do. some i've done before and just think would be fun to do again, some i've never done, some are pulled from my bucket list. and a select few i'm not sharing :). but i plan to keep track of all of the following on this blog as i go throughout 2011. i crossed off about 40 on my 2010 list, which i'm a little disappointed about, but now i'm even more motivated to get crackin' on this one. what do you want to do in the new year? to new beginnings!
100 things to do in 2011
1. go to south by southwest
2. visit chicago
3. meet andrew jenks
4. get my passport
5. dance on stage
6. host a dinner party
7. take a cooking class
8. go on a picnic
9. complete my book proposal
10. party with celebrities
11. go on a cruise
12. finish the crossword every day for a month
13. see 50 new movies
14. dine at 50 new restaurants
15. sell something on ebay
16. do volunteer work
17. sleep under the stars
18.visit 1 new state
19. win a contest
20. get a tattoo
21. perfect a dish
22. go to the cape
23. visit providence and newport, r.i.
24.see 10 bands live
25.try 5 new foods
26. go to a celtics game
27. skinny dip
28.go hiking
29.take a dance class
30. kiss in the rain
31. go to a drive-in movie
32. try one new recipe a month
33. take a duck tour
34.drink an egg cream
35. bake cupcakes
36.see a stand-up comedian
37.cultivate a great new friendship
38. get 100 blog subscribers
39. get a spray tan
40. visit a local winery/vineyard
41. take a guided tour
42. learn the "single ladies" dance
43. go swimming at night
44. go fruit picking
45. audition/try out for something
46. go out for fondue
47.spend a day in newburyport
48. reconnect with an old friend
49. get a psychic reading
50.yelp about 10 places i've been
51. go to a strip club
52. be on tv
53. win at trivia
55. eat at pinkberry
56. learn to parallel park
57. lower my cholesterol
58. read one book per month
59.make my bedroom a cozy sanctuary
60. sing karaoke
61.make $1,000 in freelance
62. tone my stomach
63.floss once a week
64. eat at ruth's chris for free
65. hit 4,000 twitter followers
66. improve my posture
67. get a mani/pedi
68. go to a book signing
69. nurture a plant
70.go to a farmer's market
71. go out for tapas
72. visit the isabella stewart gardner museum
73.assume a fake identity for one night
74.play a board game
75.go to a jazz brunch
76.perform a random act of kindness
77.eat breakfast daily
78. take up a new hobby
79. watch an entire tv series on dvd
80. go backstage at a concert
81. whiten my teeth
82. ride in a limo
83. smoke a cigar
84. eat fried pickles
85. hang out around a bonfire
86. go to an art gallery opening
87. organize my itunes
88. write a fan letterand get a response
89. participate in a flashmob
90. kiss a foreigner
91. go on 2 dates with the same person
92. visit a historic landmark
93. donate money to a charity
94. go a month without fast food
95. see a sunrise and sunset in the same day
96. balance my checkbook
97. win money at a slot machine
98. learn the "thriller" dance
99. request a song on the radio
100. make a toast