Sunday, August 31, 2014

i can haz that house?

as some of you know, i've been looking to buy a house/condo/something that's not a cardboard box for about 7 months now. to paraphrase clueless, trying to find a nice, affordable place in the boston area on a single income is like trying to search for meaning in a pauly shore movie. i have, however, become crystal-clear about what i like and don't like. the conclusion? i either need more money, or the property brothers, or to move back to florida (NOPE). but i can still daydream. and i'mma do it right here, thanks to some pinterest porn. what's on your house wish list?


a porch swing.

butcher-block countertops.

historic charm.

a fireplace.


a window seat or reading nook.


  1. Hail yess on those butcher block countertops! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, there are some questions for you on my blog if you feel like playing along, if not, that's all right. Hope the house hunting goes okay!

    1. awww thank you! i shall definitely play along with my next post! :)
